Hurray !! New Slackware version is on the way

Slackware team has released the new development snapshot Release Candidate 2 of Slackware 14.2 on 23rd April 2016. And it seems like it will be the last RC version before the final release of the OS. It includes a number of kernel fixes as well as an update to the latest version of the Thunderbird e-mail client.

According to the team ~ “Finally got some fixes we were waiting for in this new kernel. It’s been almost a month since 14.2-rc1 so we’ll call this Slackware 14.2 Release Candidate 2. Almost there. Get in any last-minute bug reports quickly.

The full list of changes can be found in the changelog.

20 years of slackware ( as of 18/07/2013 ;) )

Slackware mascot

Yeah I know it is a bit late, it was 20th birthday of Slackware on this 18th. Got to know about this while reading through

Slackware was the first Linux distribution that I installed in my old desktop and since then I am in deeply love with it. I learned a lot by using it, which was always thrilling.

This was Patrick Volkerding’s post about first release of Slackware :

From: bf703@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Patrick J. Volkerding)
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux
Subject: Want an SLS like .99pl11A system?
Date: 11 Jul 1993 17:53:15 GMT
Organization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH (USA)
Lines: 41
Message-ID: <21pk2b$h45@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu>
Reply-To: bf703@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Patrick J. Volkerding)

Well, that's good, because I put one together. It does not yet have
XFree-86 1.3, but give me about 2 days and it will. This is not like
the MCC release, rather, it is a big system, even more bloated than
SLS :^)

Currently it has all of the same features as SLS 1.02, with these

1. The newest FAQ
2. Simplified installation procedure.
3. Kernel level .99 pl 11 Alpha.
4. libs and includes at 4.4.1, (without the limits.h problem)
5. GCC at 2.4.3 (may be 2.4.5 soon)
6. Net-2 TCP/IP preconfigured for loopback.
7. Public domain ksh and tcsh 6.04.
8. command line JPEG utilities.

On the X side, XV 3.00 has been added.

Now here's the deal: there are 13 disks in the 'A' series (same as SLS
A, B, and C) and 10 in the X series. I don't have any way to offer this
system publicly. If I tried to put it up on our 3b2 it would kill it.

This system has been used among my associates here since we put the
first one together back at pl8. Our original goal was just to debug the
SLS releases, but those have been slowing down and we happened to get a
jump on things.

I'd like to hear from you if this package sounds appealing. If demand is
not too strong, I may test releasing it on the 3b2 here.

If you have an archive site for it, LET ME KNOW! I'll set you up with a
copy of it to put up for FTP.Take care,--
Patrick Volkerding

Thank you Patrick for the wonderful Slackware.


Steps for booting Slackware to GUI, and some details on runlevels

Starting process in a gnu/linux system

runlevel is a software configuration of the system which allows only a selected group of processes to exist.

What are the runlevels in Slackware ?

0 - Halt
1 - Single User Mode
2 - unused (but configured the same as runlevel 3)
3 - multiuser mode without display manager(default Slackware runlevel)
4 - Multi-user mode with X11 with KDM/GDM/XDM (session managers)
5 - unused (but configured the same as runlevel 3)
6 - Reboot

In Slackware Linux runlevel 1 is for maintenance (as on other Linux distributions). runlevels 2, 3 and 5 identically configured for a console (with all services active except the X Window System); and runlevel 4 adds the X Window System.

How to check the current runlevel of the system?

The runlevel command is used to find the current and previous runlevels on Unix-like operating systems.Type the following and press the Enter key to get the details of runlevel:

# /sbin/runlevel
N 3

If there is no recorded previous runlevel the command will show ‘N’ and then the current runlevel.

Or one can use the command who with the argument -r  to get the current runlevel details.

# who -r
run-level 3  2013-06-29 23:57                   last=S

Which is the default runlevel and how to change it ?

The default runlevel in slackware is 3, which means system will boot in to a console. So the user have to enter username and password in console and then give the ‘startx’ command to start the x window system.

To change the runlevel one can follow any of the steps bellow :

1. Manually edit the /etc/inittab file. (To change the default runlevel)
This method need a reboot to make the change in effect. i.e, we know that the default runlevel in slackware is 3 and that’s why the system boot in to a console. But what if one need to boot his system to a started X window system ? for that the runlevel must be 4, right? So open the configuration file /etc/inittab in your favorite editor as root and find the following line.


and change 3 to 4, which is the runlevel for multiuser mode with X window system started. And then on the system will boot with X windows started. Do not set the default run level to 0 or 6, you can guess what will happen then.

2. init or telinit
Init can be in one of eight runlevels: 0-6 and S  or  s. The processes spawned by  init for each of these runlevels are defined in the /etc/inittab file.  The  runlevel  is changed  by having a privileged user run telinit, which sends appropriate signals to init, telling it which runlevel to change to.

According to the manual page :

# init [ -a ] [ -s ] [ -b ] [ -z xxx ] 
# telinit [ -t SECONDS ]

To execute these commands user need to login as root. To use these commands one can either use the console or a virtual console, using Ctrl+Alt+F (console 1, you use Ctrl+Alt+F1. To reach back to the window system use Ctrl+Alt+F7), if the user started x window system.

How to configure runlevels in Slackware

The init is the parent of all processes with a pid 1. Its primary purpose is to create processes from a script stored in the file /etc/inittab file. After init is invoked as the last step of the kernel boot sequence,  it looks for the file /etc/inittab to see if there is an entry of the type initdefault. The initdefault entry determines the initial  runlevel  of  the  system.   If  there  is  no  such entry (or no /etc/inittab at all), a runlevel must be entered at the system console. So entries in /etc/inittab controls autonomous processes required by the system by telling init what is the default runlevel, and what to do when entering or leaving each runlevel.

In Slackware /etc/rc.d/ contains a few scripts for several of the daemons or subsystems a system may run, and the scripts includes rc.0, rc.S, rc.K, rc.M, rc.6. Where rc.0 actually is a symlink to the rc.6 script because it’s so similar: rc.6 reboots the system except when invoked as rc.0, in which case it halts the system. The rc.? scripts do several things directly, as well as running the other scripts. So on Slackware, runlevels can be administered with an editor.

References :

Setting up the Java Dev Environment in Slackware 14 – Part 3


This is the third part in the series ‘Setting up the Java Dev Environment in Slackware‘. The previous part was to discuss about how to install IDEs for java development in Slackware. And it was ending with mentioning IntelliJ IDEA but without giving the steps to install it. So this part will be dealing with that.

Steps for installation :

  1. Download the Gnu/Linux package.
  2. Login as root :
    $ su
    $ Password:
  3. Copy the downloaded file to /opt/ :
    # cp /home/user/downloads/ideaIC-12.1.4.tar.gz   /opt/
  4. Uncompress the file and rename the uncompressed directory :
    # cd /opt/
    # tar -xzvf /opt/ideaIC-12.1.4.tar.gz
    # mv -f ideaIC-12.1.4/ idealC
  5. Create an executable file :
    # touch /usr/bin/IDEA 
    # chmod 755 /usr/bin/IDEA
    Open the file in an editor
    # vim /usr/bin/IDEA
    and paste the following lines

    export IDEA_HOME="/opt/idealC/bin" 
    $IDEA_HOME/ $* 

    OR we can directly link the `IDEA_HOME/`

    # ln -fs /opt/idealC/bin/ /usr/bin/IDEA

    but I think the first approach is the neat one.

  6. Create an entry in menu :
    Create an entry in KDE or XFCE Menu.